Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Pure Toast Episode 2: Pop Culture n00bs

In this episode we discuss our immediate popularity, "Robert's" soccer ball, movies you can purchase at Wal-Mart, and sales tax exemption. You'll also hear a new introduction from our friend Teddy, and some of the best and worst decisions we've ever made.

Now that we've recorded two episodes and I've had to listen to my own voice for long periods of time while editing, I've noticed that my lisp is much more pronounced than I had originally thought. Perhaps next week we'll talk about my options are for curing my speech problems. If you have any experience with speech therapy, let us know what you think!

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Anonymous said...

so... lyneth is a speech pathology major. maybe she can help you.

Anonymous said...

Oh man, I had no idea. I'll definitely have to see if she has any ideas. I've heard you can learn to talk with your mouth full or gravel or something like that and then when you talk without the gravel it sounds normal. That's probably not true at all, but I feel like I actually heard someone say that in real life. I don't know...

Monte Saxby said...


It's almost like you are at home - except I hear you talk a LOT more this way!

Hey, the no sales tax almost makes being from Montana worth it; now you can buy the gummy worms with a buck AND get change!!


Anonymous said...

Hah! This is true. I suppose I just sit in my room when I'm home and don't really interact with people :)